order ivermectin online It feels early, or maybe it’s because the winter has had a hard time sticking for more than short stints, but the real signs of spring are upon us. We’ve been working in the sugarhouse and tapping the woods. There were some dribbles of sap as we drilled holes and hammer spouts today. The 10-day forecast has us heading back to winter next week, but we’ll take advantage of these short warm ups and get ready to boil soon!

Jinotepe 🔜

If you have specific orders for the 2024 maple season, shoot us an email so we can make sure to bottle the right items for you. We’d also love to have you visit the sugarhouse and see how maple syrup is made. You’re welcome to stop on by, or email to find out when we’re planning to boil. Sweetbearfarm@gmail.com