As we start in on 2025, it’s a time for reflection. We have made a lot of changes on the farm this year 2024 marked the last (for now anyway) litter of piglets at Sweet Bear Farm. We started with… Continue Reading →
It feels early, or maybe it’s because the winter has had a hard time sticking for more than short stints, but the real signs of spring are upon us. We’ve been working in the sugarhouse and tapping the woods. There… Continue Reading →
We have been digging out from under a 2 foot snowstorm last week, enjoying the sudden transformation of the woods into a winter wonderland. Eleanor has reminded us that maple syrup and fresh snow go exceptionally well together and suggests… Continue Reading →
We have fresh homegrown beef available! Email if you’re local and interested in steak, stew meat or ground beef! As we approach the holidays, make sure you have enough maple syrup for your favorite recipes, or sweet gifts for… Continue Reading →
It’s been a busy summer so far. The cow herd currently numbers 6 and growing, with Amelia due to calve in late august/early September. The chicken flock is presently 6 hens with their protector: Little Monty, and 3 chicks who… Continue Reading →
Amelia and Azalea joined our herd about 2 weeks ago, coming to us from the lovely jerseys at Thistle Hill Farm in Pomfret. They’ve adjusted well and seem happy on the hill with the rest of the cows , munching… Continue Reading →
Bulk buying discount, buy 3 or more gallons at one time, get a discount of 20%. Good for local pick up or delivery only. Email or call to purchase or with questions. 802-439-9452
Sylvie had her first calf in the wee hours of the morning of January 4th. Eleanor named him Buster within minutes of meeting him. Mom and baby are doing well. Buster was a robust fellow when he came out, and… Continue Reading →
Between 3am yesterday morning and 6 am this morning, and entirely during the dark hours, our three 2-year old sows all farrowed, throwing the animal barn into a cacophony of piglet oinking. The girls were all rockstars in the farrowing,… Continue Reading →
We’ve increased from our one guernsey, Sylvie, to a full on herd one year later. Sylvie spent the last 2 months visiting our neighbor George’s farm and his bulls in an effort toward breeding. In the meantime, Glitter the jersey… Continue Reading →
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